
Directors’ & Officers’ Liability

Does your non-profit or charitable organization or volunteer centre have people serving as trustees, directors or officers?

Do you have employees or volunteers working on behalf of your organization or volunteer centre?

If so, your organization’s assets and the personal assets of those individuals may be exposed when any error, omission, misleading statement, neglect or breach of duty, employment practice violation or wrongful act such as discrimination or harassment, is alleged by a third party against a person acting in their capacity as a member or representative of the organization.

In fact, in addition to naming individuals in a statement of claim, your organization or volunteer centre itself may also be named in connection with the allegations.

Contact BMS to talk to one of our D&O specialists and secure a personal assessment of your organization’s needs, with expert advice on the key risks you need to cover.


Brian Gomes

Chief Executive Officer, Canada and Head of Global Affinity

Office Contact

979 Bank St,
Suite 200,
Ottawa ON K1S 5K5

T: +1 855 318 6558

Personal Contact

T: +1 613-216-2890
Email Me