
Commercial General Liability

As highly experienced insurance specialists, our team is focused on helping you effectively and cost efficiently manage your risk.

Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance protects you against claims arising from injury or property damage that you (or your business, including your staff) may cause to another person as a result of your operations and/or premises.

For example, a client may fall and injure themselves on a wet floor in your office and look to hold you or your business responsible (they have experienced a bodily injury as a result of your premises). That’s why CGL is so commonly referred to as “slip and fall” insurance.

CGL coverage is recommended for professionals who own or operate a business.

This coverage is also recommended for independent professionals who contract out their services or bill under their business name. As an example, if you are an independent contractor and accidentally cause damage to the property in which you are working, the property owner may look to hold you responsible for compensating them for the costs of repairs. Your CGL policy would respond under these circumstances.

We see it as our responsibility to provide the understanding that helps you to make an informed decision as to the right level of liability cover for you and your business.

At BMS, our motivation is to protect your livelihood. This puts us in the right position to discuss and advise on a policy uniquely geared to your personal circumstance.


Brian Gomes

Chief Executive Officer, Canada and Head of Global Affinity

Office Contact

979 Bank St,
Suite 200,
Ottawa ON K1S 5K5

T: +1 855 318 6558

Personal Contact

T: +1 613-216-2890
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